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We care about the perpetuation of the artisanal craft of making leather goods, because it would be a profound loss if this knowledge and cultural wealth were to disappear.
Such know-how embodies precious threads of creative expression and human history. At BMB there is a program that supports trainees in their quest to become masters…the BMB Academy !

For BMB professional training represents a strategic lever both for the competitiveness of our company in the luxury supply chain and for responding to growing demand and guaranteeing high levels of quality.

In addition to the collaboration with training schools in the district, specialized in leather goods, BMB creates a system through the establishment of an internal Academy, in a dedicated and equipped area.

The Academy's educational program is dedicated to young people who wish to enter the leather goods profession and to all those who are looking for new opportunities for personal development, followed by tutors specialized in the various processes.

The BMB offers young apprentices’ entry into a modern and dynamic, highly technological working environment, with a personal path of professional growth. Motivating?
